Here you can see multiple instances of the plugin working alongside each other. I've set the placeholderNumberType differently for each instance to highlight that the instances are completely independent of each other.
Home: <input id="home" type="tel">
Mobile: <input id="mobile" type="tel">
var inputHome = document.querySelector("#home");
var inputMobile = document.querySelector("#mobile");
window.intlTelInput(inputHome, {
initialCountry: 'gb',
placeholderNumberType: 'FIXED_LINE',
utilsScript: "../../build/js/utils.js?1678446285328" // just for formatting/placeholders etc
window.intlTelInput(inputMobile, {
initialCountry: 'gb',
placeholderNumberType: 'MOBILE',
utilsScript: "../../build/js/utils.js?1678446285328"